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Weekend Report!

Okay here in the great state of Texas it was tax free weekend. A tax holiday dreamed up years ago to "help" relieve some of the burden of taxes for certain back to school items. If you are a casual shopper on these three days, you save maybe 10 bucks (hey ten bucks is ten bucks), but if you have a large family and purchase their wardrobe for the year I guess you save more. It's been a while but I think it's mainly clothing that is affected by this no tax rule, that and a few other things. I know this is the first year backpacks were added to the list of non taxable goods, that's a big deal. I think this is something left over from Bush's turn at Governor, but I'm not entirely sure about that, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Anyway the best thing about this weekend is the stores tend to stock up the toy aisles so they can reap the benefits of children coming along to try on clothing and pick up notebooks. So here's what I saw (but didn't pick up, that's another story)

1) The BMF Millennium Falcon
2) tons of DC Infinite Heroes series one
3) a few DCUC series three, including a Deathstroke without a mask (is that rare?)
4) New GI Joe vehicles, including a H.I.S.S. tank
5) a ton of those GI Joe DVD sets
6) some new Transformer Classics
7) Mighty Muggs Boba Fett and Stormtrooper
8) Tons and tons of Clone Wars Cartoon figures
9) Wii "light sword" controller add on
10) a Ghost Busters T-shirt ( I should of grabbed that one and enjoyed a tax break, I may go back for it!)

What I did get...

"Indiana?! The dogs name is Indiana!"

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