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Update - KO G1 Weirdwolf : Making the Tail / Thermal Sword

Was very disappointed and a little frustrated initially when I discovered that the tail=sword is missing in my newly purchased KO G1 Weirdwolf... But after a search on the internet, even the cheapest 2nd-hand will cost me SGD10+++ ... so very quickly I decided to make my own tail-sword... First, I searched and printed out the original tail-sword with many copies, as templates... For the handle, I found an old part that has a nice peg that fits in the KO Weirdwolf's peg-holes... Will be using some spare polystyrene sheets (not sure of the thickness) and a thicker ABS as the main material...

The sword is split into layers and using the ref pictures double-sided-taped onto the polystyrene sheet, I cut out the layers. The guard of the sword is cut from the ABS sheet to about 1.1cm by 0.9cm...

All parts are then filed nicely with needle files and penknife, and then glued together with superglue... Also filled up the gap of the blade-holder part (at the bottom-middle of the blade)...

Done !!!! Compare with the original version... not too bad... about 90% close... Good enough...

Testing the tail-sword to hold in the hand... a bit loose...

... testing on the tail's peg-hole... barely manage to stay plugged but not secure... will have to apply a layer of superglue to the handle to thicken it up (which did work in the end)...

Nice... now my KO G1 Weirdwolf is complete with his tail/sword.... hahahahaha....

And here's a video to show the KO G1 Weirdwolf and also his new tail-sword...

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