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The Lo Down - Catrice Soft Blossom Nail Polish

 Hey Guys and Dolls,

I haven't been doing my using my nail polish too much as of late as my nails haven't been in the best condition but that changed when the Catrice Soft Blosson nail polishes appeared in my letterbox.
These nail polishes come in different shades and they all look so pretty. I was sent the shades Flower Berry Bouquet and Coachella Vibes, two pretty pink shades that I adore. They would look amazing with tan or without during the Spring Summer months. I know I'll be using them alot, pinks are my favourite. I'm not too sure how many shades are in this collection but the two I've tried are beautiful. These polishes are said to have a scent and different to other polishes on the market you can actually smell it. In the picture below I used the shade, Flower Berry Bouquet and I love it, you literally need only one coat.
I'd definitely recommend checking them out the next time your near a Catrice counter.


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