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Red Lip Classic: A Holiday Makeup Tutorial

I am SO excited for today's Blogmas post because it's a makeup tutorial featuring one of the best people I know that does makeup, my friend Sarah! You might remember her from KCFW earlier this year? She is a pro at makeup and I keep telling her she needs to start a Youtube channel because she's amazing. Anyways, I thought it would be fun to have her film a holiday makeup look because we all know I can't do makeup. She knocked it out of the park and I'm so excited to share it! So without further adieu here's her holiday makeup look! 


Hello hello! My name is Sarah Presley and I am taking over Of Life and Style for today! 
I've loved makeup for years and years but I've recently started sharing my work through Instagram. After Sam saw my posts and asked me to collaborate I decided to film a makeup tutorial. Go big or go home, right? To get in the holiday spirit, I'm sharing a holiday makeup look that is perfect for many different occasions and doesn't look like Christmas threw up on your face (hopefully). Even though I chose to go with a bold red lip, I kept the eyes shimmery and light so this makeup could be wearable to something like a holiday party at the office. I also strayed from using bright colors on the eyes and used a foiled eyeshadow and big lashes for the stars of the show so this makeup could match a variety of cocktail dresses or evening gowns.

I want to give a big thanks to Sam for giving me this opportunity! I had so much fun filming my first ever YouTube video! I know the picture quality isn't impeccable but shoutout to technology because I filmed this on an iPhone 6 and am amazed at what it could do! I spent hours creating this look, filming, learning to edit, recording a voice-over.. I even got my dad in on the action to help create my backdrop. I'm pleasantly surprised with how this turned out and I hope you enjoy it the same!

Thanks for watching! All of the products I used are listed in the description box of the video. If you enjoyed this look, I would appreciate the love on Instagram here! Happy Holidays!


Sarah slayed with this look! It's the perfect amount of glam and sparkle without looking too overdone. If you loved this look and want Sarah to start doing Youtube videos all the time give her love in the comments below and over on her Instagram and subscribe to her Youtube channel! And if you recreate her look tag us (@sarahpresley & @samantha_goble) on Insta or use #HolidayMakeupWithSarah so we can see all the looks! :)

Hopefully this won't be the last of Sarah on here so make sure you're following along for the next post of Sarah's!

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