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Lancôme Matte Shakers

Last year Lancôme released their Juicy Shaker lip glosses that quickly became a firm favourite of mine despite not usually being a lip gloss fan. The combination of nourishing oils and pigment encased in the most fun lip packaging ever, made for one of my favourite lip innovations of last year. Seriously, if you haven't tried them yet, I can't recommend it enough! Earlier this year I saw Lancôme were bringing out a matte version of the Juicy Shaker and I was very excited to see how the two would compare.

The Matte Shakers were released in May and come in seven gorgeous shades: Energy Peach (272), Beige Vintage (270), Yummy Pink (379), Kiss Me Chérie (374), Red'y in 5 (189), Pink Power (378), and Magic Orange (186).

The innovative Ultra Thin Film technology means that the emulsion is twice as fine and intense as a conventional lipstick to give a second skin texture on the lips with rich pigmentation for a bold colour payoff. The cushion applicator has been redesigned to give a more precise and easy application. Like the Juicy Shaker, you have to shake the bottle before application so that the cushion is coated with just enough product for one layer of colour.

I was sent all seven shades to try out (yes I'm aware how jammy that is!), I couldn't contain my excitement but I wanted to be thorough and take the time to try out each shade and wear them all properly before writing a review. As you may have noticed, I'm a bit of a lipstick fanatic and I think it's made me so much more critical of any lip products I try because if I don't love them, I just don't have room for them in my collection. 

Yummy Pink, Pink Power, Energy Peach, Beige Vintage, Kiss Me Chérie, Red'y in 5, Magic Orange

As I said I had been incredibly excited to try these out since I first heard about them. I was curious as  to how a matte formula was going to work in the Juicy Shaker packaging. When I saw they had the same cushion applicator I thought the application might be tricky, luckily I was wrong and the newly designed cushion has meant that applying it is so much easier than I thought it would be. 

The formula is so thin that you can apply one light layer if you don't want too much intensity but it's also easily buildable to allow for full opacity without feeling heavy. I was so impressed with how pigmented the formula is compared to how light in texture it is. It doesn't feel like you're wearing anything on your lips. 

Yummy Pink

LMS4 LMS17.1
Pink Power

Energy Peach

Beige Vintage

Kiss Me Chérie

Red'y in 5

Magic Orange


At first I wasn't sure about the colour range, I thought some of them were a bit too similar to each other. Although some of them look similar in the bottle, they actually are all very different. There is a shade for everyone here whether you like something subtle like Energy Peach or Beige Vintage or if you're a fan of bold shades, Yummy Pink and Magic Orange are so vibrant and perfect for Summer. The finish is more of a modern matte, it applies easily and then dries down a couple of minutes after application but doesn't look or feel too matte or drying.

I like that they've kept the range of shades small, usually with a lip collection there's at least one dud shade that I wouldn't wear but I think you'll agree every one of these colours is so beautiful. Another bonus to having such a light but highly pigmented formula is that the shades are easy to layer. The whole idea behind the Matte Shakers is that you can create easy lip combinations such as gradient and ombre lips and even duo lips with one shade on the bottom and one on the top. I've been wearing the Ombré look by applying a shade all over such as Red'y in 5 and then a lighter colour like Magic orange in the centre and blending it out for more dimension. This is a great and subtle way of making your lips look bigger than they are.

I'm so impressed by the lasting power of these. I don't use a lip liner with them but you can if you want to reshape your lips a bit first or to make them last even longer. I apply directly from the cushion and I'm amazed at how easy it is to get a precise line around the edge, I honestly thought it would be a lot more difficult and that I'd need lip liner every time. Sometimes I leave the edge with a slightly diffused look by running a cotton bud or my finger around the line of my lips to give a more undone and relaxed finish.

They do fade as the day goes on unless you reapply, however the fade is quite natural and the pigment remains so it's not that noticeable. They definitely stain your lips, I've found the pigment in the brighter shades difficult to remove if I've been wearing them all day. You'll need an oil based makeup remover if you want to remove all trace of colour. It doesn't bother me at all, but it's something to consider if you don't like products that stain your lips.

Between the Juicy Shakers and revamped L'Absolu Rouge collection last year and now these Matte Shakers, Lancôme have really been dominating the lip product market for me recently. I credit a lot of the success and innovation to Lancôme's makeup Creative Director Lisa Eldridge who obviously has such a passion and talent for creating new and exciting products.

If I hadn't been sent these I definitely would have been buying at least one of the shades because I'm such a big fan of Lancôme at the moment and I'm always interested in trying something that's new and exciting for the lips. I honestly don't know if I could choose which shade is my favourite, they're all so beautiful.

As usual, you can buy the Matte Shakers from Brown Thomas, Arnotts and Boots for €22.50.

Have you tried the Matte Shakers yet? Which shade would you like to try most?

Emma x

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