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Homebrew Mappage Project - Kallahn

So, I have brought out my dusty old maps from 35+ years ago of my fantasy campaign world of Kallahn, originally a home for some Chivalry & Sorcery 2nd Edition. I'm not going to claim anything too innovative or amazing, but it was mine.

I've started the process of mapping it afresh using Wonderdraft...

Early work in the Middle Kingdom area centred on Palar

Having a 16GB RAM PC with decent onboard Ryzen 3 graphics, means that I can create a large map and zoom in to 100% and add detail. I think it will be a while before I get it complete, but much earlier in places to have something that can be used as a backdrop for an actual game.

With its roots in C&S2, the world was quite humanocentric, with tinges of Tolkien. Whereas I may stay with that vibe, I'm open to some re-interpretation, depending on what I want to tell and with what. Current front runners are Dungeons & Dragons 4th Ed (of course), but also True20, Heroic Fantasy, D100, or even a home for Tripod Fantasy for a light game that brings own setting and system together. Of course, it could be all of them.

Meanwhile I shall enjoy filling out the map and posting updates over here.

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