They are almost finished, and then I will be casting them as I need multiple of them, I will also be making them available on the web site at a later point as well.
Now I've also been continuing on with the denizens of the cantina, these models came from Tritex Games, which I then converted to make them more like the characters in the film.
First is Arieil Schous who was in the original episode 4 and remained for the extended version as well.
Next we have Sal'torr Kal Fas who was also in both versions, as you can see from the reference picture I need a another one like this which is Hrchek Kal Fas
the third one is Lirin C'arn, who was in both versions but really obscure to spot. You will notice I haven't done the base on this one as I intend to remove him from it and sit him on a bar stool
I have also added another model to my Imperial forces The Grand Inquisitor, he appeared in the series Star Wars Rebels, he has Sith skills and was a formidable opponent the model was from FFG Imperial Assault.
That's all for this post, so until next time have fun !
Cheers Dave
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