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This, That and the Other

As I mentioned in my last post, I have a few things that I feel like I need to catch up on.  After finishing my Roses and Daises Blanket at the beginning of May, I've had a couple of other things in the pipeline.  The first of which is This:

Don't you love to see piles of things like this sitting around the place?  Looking colourful and glorious and brimming over with potential to be made into something fantabulous?  This particular pile was inspired by an absolutely delightful cushion I stumbled across on Etsy.  Unfortunately the listing was long since sold and the link is no longer valid on the site, otherwise I would show you it in all it's glory, for it was truly divine.  It was made by Yvonne from Yvestown and you can just get a glimpse of it in this post of Yvonne's.  It's the one behind the plain granny square cushion in front.  Beautiful isn't it?  The pattern is called the Copenhagen Pillow and is available here.

I loved this cushion so, so much that I had to create one of my own and that heap of colour there was made with that wish in mind.  I managed to finish it a couple of weeks ago.  Here's my version:

Unfortunately I don't have such a beautiful and stunning home in which to show it off but I do very much adore having it sitting on my very own sofa!  It's like a burst of sunshine in my room. Also, you see cute owl sneaking into the picture?  He's new too, I got him in the Laura Ashley sale.  Lots of new lovely for my living room!

I have a couple of other completed things, one of which is currently winging it's way to the US of A to take part in a swap so I'm afraid I can't show that, it'd spoil the surprise!  But the second little thing came about because I lost my trusty scissors.  You know how it is, one minute they are there, laying around and about somewhere nearby when you're working, the next they disappeared off the very face of the planet.  I moped around for a few days, looking around, using a blunt pair in their place for a while but we all know the only sure fire way to find such an item is to go out and buy a replacement.

So that's what I did, I'd must admit I've eyed up this cute little swan scissor pair before so this seemed the ideal opportunity!  To help me stop losing this tiny pair, I've added a pretty flower based on the Attic24 pattern.  Hopefully they'll be easy to spot with That colourful addition!

The Other thing to show you is another new love, my birdie mug.

Isn't he a darling?  I saw him in John Lewis but I notice they've been popping up here, there and everywhere.  Well, it's my new favourite way to enjoy a 'cuppa' and has superseded my two previous favourites because yes, I do have favourite cups.  It's a small little world I live in, made up of tiny pleasures!

But, look closely and there is something else to be seen in that last picture, behind my darling bird is the sneakiest sneak peak of my latest project.  One that means I will have a pattern to share with you and... (drum roll please...) my first tutorial!  Excitement?  I think so.

I'm just working on the finishing touches and then as soon as it's ready, I'll let you at it.  I'm dying to show you all but it's a bit nerve racking too.  Hopefully I'll have done it all okay, fingers crossed.

That's it for today.  It's half-term and Little Miss need entertainment, so I will away till next time.

S x

(Oh, and the old scissors?  Yep, naturally they turned up the day after I finished the flowery addition to the new pair.  Humpf!)

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