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The Simple Woman's Daybook - 12th February 2021


Outside my window ... it's cold and drab but we are promised some sun later on.

I am thinking ... about the garden and how I'd like it to evolve. This year's growing season will still be about getting some of the structural plants in position so I've been browsing through all of the plant catalogues and will soon be ready to discuss my choices with M (my gardener).

I am thankful ... that the recent migraine wasn't as severe as it could have been. I still feel fragile but should be up to eating a proper meal today which will help me feel more human again! I was overdue for a full blown migraine so I'm confident it wasn't triggered by the dietary changes I've been making.

In the kitchen ... I have planned all of March's meals and have booked a supermarket delivery for March 1st. That's later than I really wanted but is the earliest I could get so it means I won't be able to do much bulk cooking ahead of implementing the plan in March. It's not a major problem and just means that the first week of March will see a lot of cooking to restock the freezer meals.

I am wearing ... a blue fluffy dressing gown - I haven't dragged myself out of bed yet!

I am creating ... a revised plan for part of the back garden which I'll post about once I have a clear idea of what I want.

I am going ... to finish watching the rest of the Harry Potter films over the weekend. I'm debating what to watch once I've finished them and at the moment, watching all the Marvel films in order is winning.

I am wondering ... when I will be invited to have the Covid vaccine. My SiL, who's a year older than me and registered with the same surgery, will have her's today so it shouldn't be too long now.

I am reading ... a collection of memoirs, all written by people who grew up in my home town. I recognise some of the names and it's triggering long forgotten memories ... a thoroughly pleasant read.

I am watching ... quite a lot of TV lately: The Great Pottery Throw Down, Would I Lie To You, The Masked Singer, Dancing on Ice, The Repair Shop, Long Lost Family UK, Only Connect, House of Games, and Question of Sport. It all helps pass the time!

I am hoping ... to arrange another family history presentation to my family. The previous one was a success and I'm getting a few hints that they'd like to hear some more. Last time I talked about my maternal grandmother's line and this one with be my maternal grandfather's line. I still have quite a lot of work to do on it but I appreciate the interest of the others so will aim for a mid March date.

I am looking forward to ... my weekly chat with J. It was originally arranged for Wednesday but postponed to this afternoon because I wasn't feeling well.

I am learning ... Italian - not exactly news as I started this back in April 2020 but I plateaued for a while, needing to work on really understanding what I'd learnt so far and now I am moving forward again. I postponed looking for opportunities for conversation with an Italian speaker until later in the year but may revisit that decision now I have a better grasp of the basics.

Around the house ...  it's clean and tidy. Somehow the housework gets done even though it's not my favourite way to spend my time and I can always find something better to do! I'll be starting on a cycle of deep cleaning next week, starting with the spare bedroom which is in danger of turning into a dumping ground even though there is plenty of cupboard space to put everything away properly.  

I am pondering ... on ideas for trips once it is safe to do so. I want to see the sea again - that's number one on the list!

One of my favourite things ... laughter

A few plans for the rest of the week ... 
  • Saturday - watching one or two of the Harry Potter films
  • Sunday - watching the rest of the Harry Potter films
  • Monday - the 2nd session of the Diabetes Prevention course, and choir in the evening 
  • Tuesday - an online talk - 'My Noble Relatives & Other Tall Stories', 
  • Wednesday - a phone call with J,
  • Thursday - the lunch time lecture by The Churches Conservation Trust
  • Friday - a musical offering on BBC iPlayer - Musicals: The Greatest Show
A peek into my day ... I'm still feeling rather fragile after the migraine so I don't plan to do much at all today. I'll try to phone L because I missed her call yesterday and will phone J this afternoon but that's about it. 

A quote for today ... "A goal without a plan is just a wish.", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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