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Giving something back.

The main thing that keeps me blogging is knowing that someone is out there reading it. The comments from you dear reader and the feedback I get makes it all worthwhile. As we near 85,000 hits (thanks in no small part to strange Russian bots) I'm immensely humbled to see that 150 if you have decided to follow my little corner of the interwebz (as well as all you google + types). So I'm going to repeat the giveaway we did last year when we reached 100. 

Leave a comment beneath this post, doesn't have to be anything deep, just say hiya and let me know what project your working on. If you don't follow already don't be afraid to join up and join in. In a weeks time I'll randomly select a comment and I'll convert and paint a mini to send off to you to include in whatever project your doing. 

Thanks for coming over here. I appreciate every comment and every +1.
Cheers guys! 

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