"@[=g3,8d]\&fbb=-q]/hk%fg"and delete when pressed into your keyboard will do absolutely nothing. But when Dexter Douglas' cat accidentally pressed it it activated something in a microchip that turned him from mild mannered nerd to insane superhero Freakazoid. Of course you don't see this except in the theme song and all the way in episode seven or something. This past weekend I watched the first season with H. and Beast Baby. H. hadn't seen the show in years and BB had never seen it. Each of them have crazy ass sense of humor so I figured they'd really like it.
I had not watched this in a few years and this show is friggin' insane. I mean, even for a WB show its insane. Some stories start off at the end. Some are in the middle. Freakazoid has villains that are talked about but never shown as well as sidekicks that last a moment or one segment like Foamy The Freakdog who spent more time trying to hurt him than anything else. Or Expendable Lad who quit after bruising his clavicle.
BB loved the way Freakazoid traveled. Does he have a vehicle? Yes. Its called The Freakmobile. He also has the ability to turn into lightning with a head. And a rocket pack. But for some reason he decides to run with his arms forward saying “Wssssssssssssssh!”It makes no sense whatsoever but had us cracking up every time he did it.
Though I loved this show it is from the 90's. There are references that I had to explain to BB like when two women started fighting over Freakazoid. One was Princess Di and the other was Sharon Stone. Bill Clinton is President. And its two Popes ago. Also, the fact that the internet was this mysterious thing that could possibly turn you into a superhero is funny when earlier today I was ready to crack my laptop in half because I couldn’t check my email.
It was fun to watch this with a kid that had never seen it. H. and Beastman watch a lot of obscure ass shows with her. I mean stuff I've never even heard of from around the world. I finally watched Tin Tinfor the first time with them last weekend. Did I mention how awesome the theme song is? Click here to hear it and click here to watch the first episode.
Click here for previous DVDiculous.
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