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WWE Is Ruining... Dominik Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio has shown some incredible talent for a 23-year-old. With that being said, there is no way that he deserves to be on the main roster at this point in his career. He's had ZERO matches outside of the WWE, and only two of his matches did not involve a former WWE World Champion, both against Murphy, obviously.

The raw talent is there, and he has height that his father probably prayed every night for without it ever coming to fruition. The best thing for him is to spend A LOT of time in NXT. At least three years and probably closer to five before really considering him for a main roster spot. That will give him time to build up his body, because it does make it difficult to take him seriously. He should definitely wear sleeves. I mean his arms are probably bigger than mine, but the fact that I somewhat question it is not a great look for him.

There's nothing wrong with Mysterio as I think he's incredibly polished considering his lack of real matches, but I just can't picture a scenario where he is anything other than his father's son unless he drops down a level and truly builds himself up on his own merit. He clearly has the talent to do it.

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